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우리 가족

진우 처음 면도하던 날 그리고 결혼24주년



          My Lovely Son

   My lovely son is really important to my family. His name is Lee Jin-woo, and he was born on March 12, 1999. He has two older sister. He grew up in the Mungyeong city, Gyeongsang-do. He is third grade of middle school, class leader, and studies very hard. He is 175cm tall, and his body is slim. Nowadays, many pimple appeared on his the face, and he want to shave himself. He is a music fan, and he loves the women singers. Besides, He is fond of reading a novel written by Guillaume Musso. He likes sports. especially, Volleyball. His dream is to be a surgeon doctor. I want him to achieve his dream.

                                                                  ( 학교 영어작문 숙제)



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